Sunday, May 10, 2009

Poem: The Center

Seek the Center.
Seek from the Center.
Seek the Center within.
Divine is not only to be found without, but within.
Too much energy is spent, it seems,
In trying to find Divinity.
It is not lost,
It has been here all the time.

When I am quiet,
I find I know the secret.
In the stillness of the Center,
I am one with all.

Let me unfetter my spirit,
Unshackle it from the bonds of label and dogma.
Let me experience,
With all that I am,
The wholeness and diversity of the universe.

No need have I for outer ritual
Or lengthy recitations.
My mind encompasses the ends
Once brought about only by those means.
I have no need for symbol or word.
All I need do is "be",
Exist where I am.
Nothing more is required.

by Andrea E. Feeser