Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Photo courtesy Timothy K. Hamilton, Creativity+ Photography

I love the new year, new beginnings, starting over. I always picture it as ending at the bottom of a long calendar at the end of December and jumping up to the top of a brand new calendar at the beginning of January. It is the time I plan my year. I don't necessarily make resolutions, but I do have goals. I usually pick books I want to read, plan outings, plan for any large occasions (graduations, etc.). I also take a look at the previous year. I take stock of what I have accomplished, which goals I did not reach and whether I want to continue to pursue them, where and how I spent my money, etc. I suppose a lot of people do those things.

Well, here's to a bright and happy new year!

1 comment:

Timothy K. Hamilton said...

Please put an attribution next to my photo, as required by my Creative Commons license.
It should read "Photo courtesy Timothy K. Hamilton, Creativity+ Photography"
Thank you, and thanks for using my photo.