Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goals: 8 Goals Between Now and July 1, 2011

On the 5th, I wrote that I have been working on my goal list for the next year. Here is that list. I have only eight things on the list, but I hope to accomplish all of them.

I will update my progress on this blog and use the tag: goals. I hope this inspires others to create their own list.


  • pay off a credit account and close it
  • get the siding fixed
  • go camping with my family
  • get emergency fund back up to 1000
  • finish 3 crochet projects
  • read 6 books
  • have a poem published in a magazine
  • hike at least 5 miles of the Appalachian trail

Monday, July 05, 2010

Personal musings, etc.

All week, at work, I think there are so many things I want to say-to blog about. But the weekend comes, and nothing. I just end up relaxing or running the kids around. It's like my brain is drained by the end of the week. I miss writing regularly on my blog.

Well, right now I am reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I'm in the middle and it is starting to get interesting. I also started working on goals to accomplish by July 1st 2011. I got the idea here from Blade376. I only have about 12 things on my list, but I am pretty excited about it. I will share them on here, I don't have the list readily available at the moment.

On June 5th I had my gall bladder taken out. It was my first surgery, and it went fine. Just figured I'd mention it here. I am back up to 100% now.