Saturday, December 31, 2005

I Vote for Shirley Temple!

The E! channel aired a show today entitled The 50 Cutest Child Stars. I watched this television show today and was surprised that Shirley Temple did not make the list. She has got to be the cutest child star of all time! Who is doing the research on E!? They really dropped the ball! Don't worry Shirley, we haven't forgotten you!!!!!

Here are some facts about Shirley Temple, as listed at the Shirley Temple Fans Website:

-The most photographed child ever.
-Starred in more than forty major motion pictures and fifty major
-She received an Oscar Award in 1935.
-Shirley Temple had two drinks named after her
-Shirley Temple Cocktail and Dirty Shirley.
-The color "Temple Blue" was designed for her wedding.
-Became a U.S. Delegate to the United Nations.
-She was the first woman in history to serve as chief protocol.
-She was ambassador to Ghana.- 1974
-She was ambassador to Czechoslovakia.- 1989
-There were Shirley Temple dolls made after her.
-Shirley Temple wrote an award winning autobiography, "Child Star".
-Survived breast-cancer.

Link: Welcome to E! Online

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Oh Harry! How could you? Well, the movie is doing great at the box office, still at number one, but isn't up to snuff. The story does not flow very well, and there is not that feeling of being part of the main trio's circle of confidance. The book is soooooo much better. This movie only covers about 1/4 of the material. I guess there is really no way to make one movie to cover most of the book. The special effects are great, but as we all saw with Star Wars Episode I, that alone does not make a great movie. Fans will want to see this movie. It is probably not suited to small children.

California Teen Wins Science Competition - NEWS - SCIENCE -

Thursday, November 10, 2005

"My Favorite Things" My Gift Ideas for 2005

Freakonomics 15.11
The Visual Dictionary of Star Wars, Episode III 13.99
Wicked 9.89
The 2000 Year Old Man Goes to School 12.23
The Quiltmaker's Gift 12.21

Food Items
Lindt Lindor Truffles 3.29
1960's Retro Candy Gift Box 23.99
Torrone 12.95
Hickory Farms Savory Sausage Trio 12.99

Only Hearts Club Dolls 17.99
Hug and Learn Baby Tad 24.99
Darth Tater 8.99
Snap Circuits Junior 21.99
CSI: DNA Laboratory 49.99
Shake and Go Speedway Raceway 33.99

Apple 40 gb iPod 249.95

All the Right Reasons by Nickelback 13.29
Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall 13.49
Lost Souls-Spaccanapoli 14.99

Madagascar 15.98
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 17.99
War of the Worlds 25.99
Scrubs: Season 2 27.99
The Simpsons: 7th Season 32.49
Star Wars-Clone Wars, Vol.2 13.99

Video Games/Computer Games
World of Warcraft PC 44.99
Civ IV PC 49.99
Nintendogs Nintendo DS 29.88
Animal Crossing Nintendo DS 34.99
Trauma Center: Under the Knife Nintendo DS

Qee $5 to $30

Personal Care
Lemon Ginger Exfoliating Sugar Scrub 24.50 - 'Intelligent design' school board�booted - Nov 9, 2005 - 'Intelligent design' school board�booted - Nov 9, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Movie Review: Jarhead

Jarhead. This movie is outstanding. My husband, my sister-in-law and I went to the matinee yesterday. I had some apprehension because I thought it might try to make a political point. It does not. It is just a great movie. Jake Gyllenhaal gives a phenomenal performance as the main character. The cinematography is breathtaking. The writing and the mood are right on. This is the best movie I have seen this year at the theater. It was an excellent theater experience and I would pay to see it in the theater again!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Samuel Alito

Samuel Alito - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While Samuel Alito is a much better choice for a Supreme Court nominee than Harriet Miers, I still have some reservations about him. Several of the opinions he has issued in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals have completely disregarded precedence. While this would be counter-balanced by the other Supreme Court Justices, it leaves my uneasy.

By the way, the reason many Republicans were against Harriet Miers as a nominee was not, as it has been put forth in several media outlets, that she was not conservative enough. It was because she has never sat on the bench. Personally, I was very disheartened that President Bush would proffer such an unqualified candidate.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Yes, I love movies. I love to watch them, I love to talk about them, I love to watch them over again. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing Jarhead next weekend. I am hoping it is not too political. I was looking forward to Saw 2 (Because the first Saw was excellent!), but Saw 2 got bad reviews. Maybe I will wait until it comes out on dvd. I've already seen Wallace and Gromit and Doom. Loved Doom! Yes, I know, it is not a great movie, but it is fun! If you love the game, you will not be disappointed! I enjoyed Wallace and Gromit, but I would have liked it better if it had more claymation in it. It seemed that just the faces and hands were done in claymation. If you have kids, go see it at the theater! Otherwise, you can just wait for it to come out on dvd.

Of course, dunt-dah-dah-dah...November 1st, this Tuesday, Starwars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith comes out on DVD! I can't wait!!! And then, on November 12th, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes out to theaters. This one has a new director again, so it will be interesting to see how it comes out.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wisdom Tooth

I am having my second wisdom tooth removed tomorrow (we only get two wisdom teeth in my family). I am having it removed at the dental surgeon's office under local anesthesia, because I have never been under general anesthesia. I'll let you know how it goes.

What I'm Reading

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Our New Puppy

Originally uploaded by hollesdottir.
We brought home our new puppy on Sunday. His name is "Sunny". We are house training him. The hard part is keeping him from chewing the furniture.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Getting Tired of Glenn Beck

OK, I guess I go through this every few months. He starts going on and on about something. His latest obsession is Intelligent Design. He is talking about it, because there is opposition to teaching it in some school districts (this has been in the news lately). The first day that he brought it up, he was making fun of people who endorse the theory of evolution. The next day he was saying that he is tired of people making fun of the people who believe in intelligent design. His main point is that he thinks the public schools should teach Intelligent Design along with Evolution in school (what little bit that is actually taught of evolution). Every time he starts talking about science, uh, I don't know what to say. People can believe whatever they want to believe. If you don't understand science, fine. But don't go on and on about it when you don't know what you are talking about. I can't believe that the pseudoscience of Intelligent Design has gotten as far as it has. The fact that it may have to be taught in school is outrageous (unless it is being taught in sociology or religion). Then he says that we need to give people a chance to hear about another theory. Well, Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory. If someone wants to teach their children about Intelligent Design, so be it. But don't try and pass it off as science in a science class.

Some Links:
Article-Intelligent design or simple political agenda?
Article-Gov. Rendell backs evolution
Wikipedia on Intelligent Design

What a Day

Whew. What a day I had today. I drove my kids all over the place, well two of them at least. The youngest wanted to spend his allowance. So, we went to this big mall about a half hour from our house (I had to drop my husband off in the area, anyway, or we would have just gone to the little mall near our house). I took him to Toys'R'Us, KBtoys, the candy store and the arcade. After two hours or more, he still didn't buy anything. Oh, well. I'm glad I don't do that every weekend.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Long time, no blog

Wow, I haven't written in a long time. I have been under a lot of stress this week with all the back to school stuff going on (I have kids in three different schools). I am reading Sidetracked Home Executives and I started putting together the 3x5 card box. I figured I would try the system and see if I can get it to work for me. I have tried the Fly Lady, and never really got past polishing my sink. :)

I have a cub scout school night to help run tonight. So, I will definitely be tired when I get home. Then, I will probably throw some laundry in the washer and watch the CSI premier on the dvr.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remembering 9/11

We put out the flag this morning, but overall it has just been a quiet Sunday at home. The boys washed the van, played video games, I'm surfing the web. Part of me does not want to think about it. I definitely do not want to see pictures from that day. It is very upsetting just to think about. I can still remember seeing people jumping out of the windows. It is a sad day, a day of mourning and memory.

Link: Take Back the Memorial

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Glenn Beck at live broadcast

The Glenn Beck show broadcast live on 9/9/05 at Carrabba's in Frazer, PA. Here is a photo of Glenn. The show was remarkable to watch in person. Glenn works with little, if any, notes and the whole crew works like a well-oiled machine. This was a fundraiser to benefit the victims of hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing

I'm addicted to Flickr! It is the best photo sharing community I have found online. There are thousands of great photos to look at, interesting groups to post to, people can comment on your photos, etc.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) - the movie

I don't have a problem with Hollywood making a movie about a fictitious exorcism, but this "horror" movie is based on the true story of Anneliese Michel (and is billed as such). According to Wikipedia, she was diagnose with grand mal epilepsy, and showed many symptoms of mental illness. According to an article at Movies Online, Anneliese starved to death and her parents and the exorcists were found guilty of manslaughter. This appears to be a case where superstition kept a woman from receiving proper medical and psychiatric treatment. This is a step back in the way the mentally ill may be seen/treated. I'm all for fictitious movies about exorcisms, or whatever you want to watch, but why tout it as being based on this story?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Mourning After - Katrina

It's not safe in New Orleans. Will they even be able to restore New Orleans when this is over? Let's not forget Mississippi and Alabama. People have died, people are without food, water, shelter, searching for loved ones. Let's all do our best to support the survivors.

American Red Cross

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sucky Movies this Summer

Why are there so many sucky movies this summer. It is hard to get excited about any of them. Some of them I would like to see (like I would really like to see The 40 Year Old Virgin), but most of them look like junk. What's up with that? DH and I saw Four Brothers this week. It was pretty good, but not great. Still, it was better than just about anything else there was available (except 40 Year Old Virgin, but DS didn't want to see that!).

Well, at least there are some good movies to look forward to this fall and winter, such as Harry Potter, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Transporter 2, Domino, Aeon Flux, King Kong.

Some movies I want to see, but are not as good: Doom, The Fog, Saw 2, Zathura.

Oh, and are they going to mess up The DaVinci Code? I don't want to see it if they change the whole plot. The book is an interesting story, though not the best writing and certainly not an original idea. It is a fun mystery. The only part I found objectionable was the inclusion of and malignment of an actual Catholic group, Opus Dei. This is, after all, a work of fiction.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

InformedPA - Young Conservatives of PA speak out against pay increase

The Young Conservatives of Pennsylvania have launched a website to educate Pennsylvanians about the illegal pay increase that the general assembly voted for themselves. Link.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Me and Glenn Beck

Me and Glenn Beck
Originally uploaded by hollesdottir.
Here is a picture of me and Glenn Beck at a booksigning he had this year.

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

We are going to the beach this weekend. I love Rehoboth. It is so clean. We like to go to Big Fish to eat. They have the best seafood. I also want to go to Peppers. They are supposed to have the largest collection of hot sauce.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Can This Fruit Be Saved? - Popular Science

Can This Fruit Be Saved? - Popular Science

I believe the "world's most popular fruit" is actually the mango (which I cannot stand).

Cub Scout Camping

My ds10 and I went on a pack camping trip this weekend to a state park for one night. The pack was having this outing as a trial for future pack-sponsored camping trips. It was very hot and humid-the high was 98. We were exhausted. We hauled all our gear down a hill (going up and down several times) in the heat, pitched our tents. Then, we packed everything up and brought it up the hill again the next day. That is way too much work for one night of camping. I think that next time I will not go camping unless it is for at least two nights.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My New Blog

Hi. This is my new blog. I am going to use it to post everything I think about entertainment, politics, and any general things going on in my life.