Monday, January 28, 2008

Qtrax - Free MP3's

Qtrax is a site opening tonight that allows free and legal downloads of MP3's, ringtones and more. It is paid for through advertising. It is unclear how the software works. The site says that it is a peer-to-peer network, but it also says that the player accesses sites with artists' music, videos, etc. It is also unclear how the advertising will appear, but the website states that it does not have spyware and that the advertisements are non-intrusive.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fire in Downtown Pottstown

There was a fire today in downtown Pottstown, PA. It burned for several hours and at least two buildings were destroyed, one completely leveled.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Me and Bob, New Year's day 2008

Happy New Year!

Photo courtesy Timothy K. Hamilton, Creativity+ Photography

I love the new year, new beginnings, starting over. I always picture it as ending at the bottom of a long calendar at the end of December and jumping up to the top of a brand new calendar at the beginning of January. It is the time I plan my year. I don't necessarily make resolutions, but I do have goals. I usually pick books I want to read, plan outings, plan for any large occasions (graduations, etc.). I also take a look at the previous year. I take stock of what I have accomplished, which goals I did not reach and whether I want to continue to pursue them, where and how I spent my money, etc. I suppose a lot of people do those things.

Well, here's to a bright and happy new year!