Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Mourning After - Katrina

It's not safe in New Orleans. Will they even be able to restore New Orleans when this is over? Let's not forget Mississippi and Alabama. People have died, people are without food, water, shelter, searching for loved ones. Let's all do our best to support the survivors.

American Red Cross

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sucky Movies this Summer

Why are there so many sucky movies this summer. It is hard to get excited about any of them. Some of them I would like to see (like I would really like to see The 40 Year Old Virgin), but most of them look like junk. What's up with that? DH and I saw Four Brothers this week. It was pretty good, but not great. Still, it was better than just about anything else there was available (except 40 Year Old Virgin, but DS didn't want to see that!).

Well, at least there are some good movies to look forward to this fall and winter, such as Harry Potter, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Transporter 2, Domino, Aeon Flux, King Kong.

Some movies I want to see, but are not as good: Doom, The Fog, Saw 2, Zathura.

Oh, and are they going to mess up The DaVinci Code? I don't want to see it if they change the whole plot. The book is an interesting story, though not the best writing and certainly not an original idea. It is a fun mystery. The only part I found objectionable was the inclusion of and malignment of an actual Catholic group, Opus Dei. This is, after all, a work of fiction.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

InformedPA - Young Conservatives of PA speak out against pay increase

The Young Conservatives of Pennsylvania have launched a website to educate Pennsylvanians about the illegal pay increase that the general assembly voted for themselves. Link.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Me and Glenn Beck

Me and Glenn Beck
Originally uploaded by hollesdottir.
Here is a picture of me and Glenn Beck at a booksigning he had this year.

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

We are going to the beach this weekend. I love Rehoboth. It is so clean. We like to go to Big Fish to eat. They have the best seafood. I also want to go to Peppers. They are supposed to have the largest collection of hot sauce.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Can This Fruit Be Saved? - Popular Science

Can This Fruit Be Saved? - Popular Science

I believe the "world's most popular fruit" is actually the mango (which I cannot stand).

Cub Scout Camping

My ds10 and I went on a pack camping trip this weekend to a state park for one night. The pack was having this outing as a trial for future pack-sponsored camping trips. It was very hot and humid-the high was 98. We were exhausted. We hauled all our gear down a hill (going up and down several times) in the heat, pitched our tents. Then, we packed everything up and brought it up the hill again the next day. That is way too much work for one night of camping. I think that next time I will not go camping unless it is for at least two nights.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My New Blog

Hi. This is my new blog. I am going to use it to post everything I think about entertainment, politics, and any general things going on in my life.